Life Can Be Nasty

Guest Blog Post by Kita Szpak, 1/11/12

Life Can Be Nasty - Kita SzpakI have recently seen both “The Tree of Life” and “Melancholia” – two of the top cited movies of 2011. Though they are excellent and worth seeing for the value of their artistic treatment, excellent acting, imagery and superb soundtracks, they are bleak in their depiction of people – yup, that means us. A bully of a father and abuser in one, and uncaring, utterly careless parents as well as a gravely troubled individual in the other leave one with little moral sustenance upon leaving the theatre. It is a universal truth that conflict is a necessary ingredient perhaps even the main focus for great art. However, one must also remember that goodness and its mate, happiness are a great part of life, too.

The dramatic forecasts for the end of 2012, specifically December 21, 2012, do nothing to make it any easier on us. In fact, finding happiness in the midst of this gloom and doom can be downright hard.

What can we do about this? There are a couple of things we can consider. First, it’s important to be defined by who you are; what you think, and not be defined by circumstances that are going on around you. You can’t control events but you can control how you respond to them.

Second, what you actually think determines your attitude and response to life’s events. Having the capacity to shut out the distractions of life and go inside yourself is the first step to getting on the road to happiness regardless of what is going on around you.

Establishing an inner core of well-being that protects you from life’s nastiness -let’s face it, there are nasty people and situations out there, is crucial. Sorry to say, but this self-examination is not a one-timer; an individual who has an awareness of self, will be doing personal time-outs all their life. However the likelihood of becoming and staying happy is that much more possible this way. Even when nasty movies, people, circumstances and a so-called doomsday year are in your midst.

Kita is a published author, speaker and publicist. Book publishing credits
include “You’re Special Wherever You Are” and “Tipping Point to Happiness”(with co-author Monique MacKinnon). Another passion: marathons with three to date.


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