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Career and Personal Growth Speaker Davida Shensky

Career and Personal Growth Speaker Davida ShenskyDavida Shensky is a Disabled American who was educated before there were laws on the books guaranteeing people with disabilities the right to an education and entered the workforce 15 years before ADA became law. Since she couldn’t find gainful employment, she looked at her education, passion, and experience and decided to start her own business. She wants to use her personal experience to help people with disabilities have their own business and offer assistance on obtaining low interest loans.

Motivational Speaker Terry Braverman

Motivational Speaker Terry BravermanTerry turns professional trials, tribulations and tragedies into triumph! He’s the best-selling author of When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Lighten Up! and works internationally as a riveting, entertaining, and motivational keynote speaker, or to boost teambuilding, communication, and leadership skills at seminars. Terry is famous for bringing his entourage of celebrity characters to help solve problems in the workplace. Based in Los Angeles, California.

Terry will travel internationally.

Powerful Image Speaker Kay Smith

Powerful Image Speaker Kay SmithKay Smith is a professional image and communication consultant and speaker from Dallas, TX. She is available for seminars and 2-day intensive training workshops throughout the United States. Kay teaches about the importance of an authentic image (it’s not just about the colors you wear), the secrets of body language, and how to understand others so you know exactly how to communicate what you want for improved business and personal relationships.

Communication Skills Speaker Kathy Sprau

Communications Skills Speaker Kathy SprauKathy Sprau, rhymes with WOW, is author and keynote presenter of “It Is All About Me … I Can Make A Positive Difference!”, along with additional Communication Skills and Customer Service topics, from Greenville North Carolina, since 1981. She is available for interactive and entertaining, energizing and engaging, everyday-useful keynotes and workshops throughout the U.S. and internationally. Kathy is known for enthusiastic and fun presentations that stick with you and for helping to create more positive and productive work and life experience. Kathy teaches how to get more cooperation from others and to influence others in a positive way.

Authoring and Writing Speaker Dr. Kenneth Atchity

Author and Writing Speaker Dr. Kenneth AtchityAuthor & Writing–Producer/literary manager Dr. Ken Atchity (Yale Ph.D., former professor of comparative literature and Fulbright professor)–author of fifteen books including A Writer’s Time: A Guide to the Creative Process from Vision through Revision, How to Publish Your Novel, How to Quit Your Day Job and Live Out Your Dreams, and Writing Treatments That Sell. Emmy-nominated producer of 30 films, he spent his lifetime turning stories into books and films. Based in Los Angeles and New York, will travel anywhere in the world. His keynote speeches are known for their industry knowledge, practicality, classical allusions, and sheer inspiration for audiences seeking to advance and maintain their creativity.

Motivational Speaker Mike Lipkin

Motivational Speaker Mike LipkinMike Lipkin is the author of “One Life, One Meeting- How to Build Preeminence One Conversation at a Time” and the President of Environics/Lipkin, the Motivation Company in the Environics Research Group — one of Canada’s leading research houses. His mission is to give people the insights that excite them into powerful action.
The distinctions that he has gathered from talking to a million people in forty-three countries since July 1993, combined with the insights from the celebrated Environics Social Values research, is how he offers his clients the best of all worlds: a powerful blend of ideas and principles that help them achieve amazing results.

Business Training Speaker Brownell Landrum

Business Training Speaker Brownell LandrumBrownell Landrum is a nationally recognized speaker, author, and Innovator, the creator and founder of the DrawSuccess Program, a patented process to accelerate results. She is also an author of two books, including the upcoming book, “Patience is a Waste of Time.”

In Latin “to educate” means to “draw out.” Are you drawing out the best from your group or organization? In this highly interactive (and fun!) mini-workshop, participants will go through a process that allows them to come up with ideas and solutions for improving organizational effectiveness in a wide variety of subject areas, including Sales Success, Diversity & Inclusion, Team Effectiveness, Efficiency & Accomplishment, Communication, Accountability, Innovation and more.

Communications Skills Speaker Jezra Kaye

Communications Skills Speaker Jezra KayeJezra Kaye, President of Speak Up for Success, has shown entrepreneurs, innovators, businesspeople, and professionals how to communicate with power and ease. Her keynote speeches and workshops, delivered in Europe, Mexico, and throughout the U.S., have been lauded for their wit, relevance, and practical value. Jezra, whose business is based in Brooklyn, NY, is the co-author of Managing the Unmanageable: How to Motivate Even the Most Unruly Employee and the author of Speak Like Yourself (No, Really!), which will be published in the spring of 2012.

Inspirational Speaker Lani Starr

Inspirational Speaker Lani StarrAwakening Your Writers Voice:

Writing is an expression of our inspired inner voice, the beautiful visions derived from our solitary dreams, which brings heaven to earth. For within every soul there is the voice of an artist just waiting to be unleashed …

The Empowered Voice

Lani will discuss the connection between harmonic vocal power and personal/spiritual power (mana). She will offer tips for all of us to uncover more of our innate potential to have wealth, health, inner peace, and happiness, through the power of the harmonic voice.

The Energetic Entrepreneur

Leadership Speaker Michael Stanley

Photo of Leadership Speaker Michael StanleyMike knows exactly how to light a fire where you need it — and how to put out ones you don’t want! He’s spent a lifetime resolving life-and-death situations and training others to do the same. So, if you or your organization has been seeking a consultant, business coach, or motivational speaker to “come to the rescue”, contact Mike today.